Tréninkový týden/ Training week

Tréninkový týden začne v pondělí 17. 10. a bude až dočtvrtka 20. 10. trénovat budeme na kynologickém cvičišti v Náchodě Babí. K dispozici budou překážky a plenty, které použijeme v závodě. K dispozici budou dva figuranti.
Kždý den budeme cvičit
poslušnost        9:30 - 12:00 hodin
obrany             15:00 - 18:00 hodin
Cen je 270 Kč 1/den
Sejdeme se v pondělí 17.10. v 9:30 na cvičišti. Tréninkový týden je otevřený pro každého o zájemce o trénink.


Training week begins in Monday, October 17, and will be until Thursday, October 20, we will train on the canine training ground in Nachod Babí. There will be barriers and screens that will be used in the race.
Every day we train
Obedience 9:30 to 12:00 pm
Defense 15:00-18:00 pm
We will meet in Monday, 17/10 at 9:30 on the training ground. Training week is open to all persons interested in training with your dog.
Training week begins in Monday, October 17, and will be until Thursday, October 20, we will train on the canine training ground in Nachod Babí. There will be barriers and screens that will be used in the race.  There will be two helpers.
Every day we train
Obedience 9:30 to 12:00 pm
Defense 15:00-18:00 pm
Entry Fee is 10 euro 1 / day
We will meet in Monday, 17/10 at 9:30 on the training ground. Training week is open to all persons interested in training with your dog.
GPS: 50.4362181N, 16.1671153E
Ke Smrčině 127, Babí